[gap size=”-90px”][custom_headline type=”left” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h2″ accent=”true”]THE ONLY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL[/custom_headline]
[gap size=”-45px”][attractive_button_template template=”1″ link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.givedirect.org%2Fgive%2Fgivefrm.asp%3Fcid%3D1536|title:Give|target:%20_blank” font=”variant:400|size:36|name:Fjalla One” font_color=”#000000″ bg=”#eeee22″ width=”200″ height=”50″ center=”0″ full_width=”0″ icon_on=”1″ icon=”font:FontAwesome|char:_f08a” icon_size=”40″ icon_top=”0″ icon_bold=”0″ radius=”5″ margin_out=”0px 10px”]GIVE NOW[/attractive_button_template]

[gap size=”-75px”]Serving in Peru’s Andes Mountains over two decades, one of our strongest partnerships has been helping to start and maintaining THE ONLY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, in the Anchausi region. A community health post and school playground have since been added. In a land where animistic beliefs govern, Christian teachers are showing 200 plus students The Way, the Truth and the LIFE

  • $150 / month / teacher (12 teachers)
  • $1500 supports one teacher for a year
