Thank you for wanting to be the difference in hopeless lives around the world. Your support will go to work immediately, bringing physical and spiritual healing to lost and suffering people.

All contributions support humanitarian relief and spiritual healing in America and across the globe. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit, making your gift tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

DONATE towards a CERT field project

All contributions support humanitarian relief and spiritual healing in America and across the globe. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit, making your gift tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

CERT International supports projects and missionaries around the world. If you would like to DONATE funds to one of these causes, simply select it from the list below. Please call our office if you would like more information at (931) 707-9328 or email us at .

Humanitarian Relief

Support aid initiatives in Ukraine and Turkey. Natural, political and military disasters leave many people displaced and hurting. Large NGOs offer initial support and relief, but often leave before real solutions have been found. Partner with CERT to let these people know that they are not forgotten as we purchase food and supplies to distribute in Jesus’ name.

CERT Student Scholarship – Medical & Dental Students

Support Students on Mission. Many of our volunteers are medical and dental students. The cost of education sometimes limits their ability to GO. Would you consider helping fund 10 students per year? Watch this video from a CERT student volunteer on mission.

Américas – Central & South América, México & Caribeña

Support CERT Teams. Donations here help to purchase and pay for medical supplies, transportation & translators as well as Bibles, tracts and Gospel materials going to the Americas.

Eastern Europe – Romania, Ukraine & Moldova

Support CERT Teams. Donations here help to purchase and pay for medical supplies, transportation & translators as well as Bibles, tracks and Gospel materials going to Eastern Europe.

Romanian Pastor Support Program. Aiding Pastors with the Gospel work taking place in the churches. Supporting 10+ Romanian pastors so they can better provide for their families and shepherd their flocks.

Romanian Bread Ovens. Most gypsies earn their living farming with their hands. In the harsh Romania winters, there is no farming, a time when most struggle to feed their families. We have helped Romanian Pastors construct bread baking ovens in five church plants. During the harsh winter months, the bread baked in these ovens feed the hungry gypsies. Love has a name, “The Bread of Life.”

Middle East – Turkey, Lebanon and Syrian Refugee Camps

Support CERT Teams. Donations here help to purchase and pay for medical supplies, transportation & translators as well as Bibles, tracks and Gospel materials going to the Middle East.